Home > Panasonic Toughbook Tablet PC
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The CF-19 has gone through 8 generations of upgades and is discontinued,
replaced with the Toughbook CF-20 2 in 1 tablet to laptop. If you have a
continuing requirement for the CF-19 we have refurbished units, parts and
accessories to keep you up and running.
The first MIL-STD-810G certified tablet PC, with a blend of in-the-field
flexibility and proven durability, Toughbook® 19* transforms easily from a
laptop to a handwriting-friendly tablet PC. The Toughbook 19 features the
Windows Vista® operating system (also available with Windows XP), a 10.4”
sunlight-viewable 1,000 nit display with Panasonic CircuLumin™ technology,
Intel® Centrino® 2 with vPro™ technology and optional integrated Gobi™ mobile
broadband. Available with a standard touchscreen or dual touch LCD (touchscreen
and digitizer). In addition, a 6-foot drop & IP65 certified design with a full
magnesium alloy case, helps to ensure that the Toughbook 19 will stand up to the
most rigorous environments.
Ambulance Service Solution
Paper-based systems are inadequate to collect and organize the volume of
information given by patients and relatives during emergency situations. To
further complicate matters, handwritten records must be transferred manually
into the service's computer system later—increasing overtime hours, delaying the
insurance reimbursement process and creating a higher likelihood of errors.
Using Toughbook® mobile computers and automated patient assessment applications,
ambulance services can capture patient data more efficiently and minimize
administrative efforts. Some Toughbook computers convert from laptop to tablet
configuration in seconds, making it easier to accurately record data during
emergency situations, while also reducing the rate of insurance form rejection
due to legibility issues. Toughbook mobile computers can also provide a direct
link to the computer aided dispatch (CAD) center, allowing the transfer of
routing data, call location, patient history and area maps to the ambulance
crew. The built-in mobile broadband wireless allows crews to send end-of-shift
files to the service's main computer, eliminating the need to manually enter
data once they return to the office. These advantages add up to significant
productivity gains and operational savings.
Administrative Solution EMS administrators provide vital support to
first responders. They must purchase and track equipment, schedule maintenance,
order supplies, handle billing matters and manage all aspects of human
resources. The job of administrators is an enormous challenge involving
meetings, on-sitevisits and endless paperwork that must be organized, tracked,
retrieved and audited in order to assure that the department is always ready for
whatever emergency arises. Administrators have specialized needs that differ
from those of firefighters, fire inspectors and fire investigators, and
Panasonic offers Toughbook® solutions to meet those needs. The wireless
capabilities of Toughbook laptops allow administrators to maintain contact with
their staff and access to their records at any time. The daylight viewable
touchscreen makes recordkeeping and data entry faster, easier and more
accurate—indoors or outdoors. When combined with Fire/EMS-specific software,
Toughbook solutions add up to a greater return on investment and a more
efficient Fire/EMS department
Electronic Patient Care Reporting
Solution EMS technicians gather a lot of information about the
patient and their condition while en route to the hospital. This information is
used to treat patients once they arrive in the emergency room. Traditionally,
this data has been collected on paper forms, creating possible delays in
treating patients and complicating the insurance reimbursement process. Because
Toughbook® mobile computers are light and portable, information can be entered
quickly and accurately and then wirelessly transferred to the emergency room
while en route to the hospital. In addition, Toughbook laptops employ magnesium
alloy cases and shock-mounted hard drives to withstand the shocks and vibrations
that occur in fast moving vehicles, For even more protection, the
spill-resistant keyboards reduce concerns about blood or other bodily fluids
contaminating the units. The advanced wireless features of Toughbook mobile
computers allow EMS technicians to access and update vital patient records
quickly and accurately. This allows them to focus on saving lives rather than on
filling out paperwork and transferring records manually to department computers.
Fire Investigation Solution All fires require
investigation to determine cause and to learn how to prevent future fires. And
for suspicious fires, they must be more closely investigated to determine
possible arson, insurance fraud, firecode violations or other illegal activity.
A fire investigator's work may involve many interviews with fire and EMS first
responders, property owners, tenants and other witnesses. They need to review
insurance policies and do detective work in search of potential motives for
arson. They also need to inspect the fire scene—often a dangerous place—and
conduct detailed forensic work to determine if there is evidence of accelerants
or criminal activity. The investigator’s job requires indisputably accurate
recordkeeping to assure proper handling of materials and evidence that may need
to be presented in court. Panasonic Toughbook laptops are superbly suited to the
work of fire investigators. Daylight viewable touchscreens and specialized
software enable fire investigators to access and collect information from many
sources, and organize it into evidence. Integrated mobile broadband capabilities
enable the investigator to wirelessly transfer evidence to law enforcement
agencies, the court system and insurance companies. The rugged construction of
Toughbook mobile computers means they can take the heat and everything else they
might face during a challenging fire investigation
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